Monday, February 24, 2020

Sport your green. It's time to make the St. Paddy's weekend in Port Huron scene!

Photo by Dale Merrill
March 17th is St. Patrick's Day. It's a time for those who are Irish (or simply Irish at heart) to wear their best green and celebrate. With the things going on to commemorate the holiday in the Blue Water Area, celebrating is definitely on the agenda.

The party in Port Huron starts the Saturday before, March 14th. In the morning you can raise your spirits and your heartbeat with the Y’s Leprechaun Loop in Port Huron at 9am.

Photo by Dale Merrill
Also on the 14th at noon, the streets of Port Huron will be filled with the Celtic spirit when the St. Patrick's Parade starts at Pine Grove Park and then winds through downtown.

Following the parade, the revelry continues in Port Huron with the 2020 Official Port Huron Pub Crawl.

Many of the stops along the party bus route will have live entertainment.

Watch the Blue Water Convention and Visitors Bureau Facebook page to see the latest updates the fun the participating pubs have in store for the 2020 Official Port Huron Pub Crawl.

Use the hashtag #PHPubCrawl on your social media and share with the world about how you partied on the day.

To find out more about these events along with many other things happening in the Blue Water Area this month, Discover The Blue's event page.